Step Out of Your Comfort Zone!

I see every day as a new opportunity to challenge myself. I am going to keep pushing myself a little further and continue to step out of my comfort zone. That is a promise. – MB

That was/is a commitment I made to myself a couple of months into recovery. At the time, I was still coping with a broken heart and dramatic changes on my journey to a healthy life. There were so many times when I thought that it would just be easier to give up, and to go back to my old ways. I was uncomfortable and nervous, but I was doing everything in my power to tell myself that this uneasy feeling would all be worth it. [it was]

You have to take a leap of faith when you are moving away from your past (destructive) behaviors into a new lifestyle. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary.

Someone once used the analogy of spontaneously being forced to write with the opposite hand. For example: I am right-handed… I use my right hand dominantly when I write, play sports, do my makeup, open drinks, etc. Imagine that one day, all of a sudden you have to use your left hand for EVERYTHING. It’s difficult, it feels awkward and uncomfortable, but it is not impossible. You CAN do it if you put your mind to it. The more time you spend working towards using your left hand, the more comfortable you will get, and the more natural it will begin to feel.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is difficult, it won’t always fun, you will be nervous. As you continue to trust yourself and the people on your support team, the feeling slowly starts to go away. Your new behaviors will not only begin to feel normal, but your mindset will (more than likely) be more clear about experiencing these new norms.

Regardless of your situation, live each day with the realization that it is a NEW day. It can be your fresh start, your continuation of progress or anything you wish it to be.

CHALLENGE: Think about a time when you had to step out of your comfort zone (It can be related to recovery, friendships, relationships, work, etc.).

  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do to help ease your discomfort?
  • Once you were able to get over the initial feeling of uneasiness, what happened?



God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

I live by these words. I pray these words every day.

I often find myself reflecting on the past several year of my life. If I had to pick one word to describe this time it would be “CHANGE”.

So much has changed for me over the past year…

The change from:

  • student to college graduate
  • studying for tests to working full time
  • being in love to having my heartbroken (twice)
  • distorted viewpoints to mental clarity
  • an illness to recovery
  • being afraid of being hurt to being able to trust again
  • limiting myself to having a passion for life
  • being close minded to being open to new opportunities
  • trusting someone new to falling in love with them

I could go on and on, the point I am trying to make, is that I am a changed person….a new person and I have never been happier in my life.

This was not an easy journey. These changes have tested my strength in so many ways. It has tested (and proved) the devotion of myself and my support team.

Like I have mentioned before, I am on Gods timeline. I was (for lack of better word) challenged by Him because He knew I was strong enough to overcome these challenges and make these changes. I believe He placed people into my life, to open my eyes and face reality- and He faded them out of my life because He knew I would stay true to myself and be stronger without them.

I have always been a woman on a mission. When I put my mind to something, I make it happen. I was, and still am committed, dedicated and passionate about the things that I love.

Change is a good thing.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What has changed in your life over the past months, years?
  • Where these changes good, bad, uncomfortable?
  • Regardless of how these changes made you feel, how did you confront them?
  • How are you feeling with these changes now?

Life, Challenges & Faith

It is ok to admit you are not perfect. By all means, I am far from it. A person can only do so much in a day. As much as I try to be “super woman”…I have come to realize that is a farfetched expectation. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am today. Between work, school and relationships, I have always given everything I had, in my mind and in my heart, to make things work.

Life can be crazy. I’ve often wondered why certain things happen the way they do, and why some people are placed in certain circumstances… that often seem unfair or don’t make sense.

People, places, and situations are not coincidence. Whether you like it or not, I believe that they were meant to happen- that everything happens for a reason. I have used my faith to try and understand some of the situations and challenges I have been faced with over the past several years. “Why is God challenging me like this?” is a question that I have been asking myself a lot lately. God has a plan for everyone, including myself. I am on Gods timeline. Although I may not like or understand some of these challenges, ultimately I know I will get through them.

Sometimes it takes a significant event, or person, to make you open your eyes. I am thankful that finally happened for me, and even more thankful that this time I am serious about making a change.

(June 2012)

Welcome to my blog. The words you just read were taken from a journal entry that I wrote last summer. I think it paints a clear picture of my life over the past several years. During that time, I worked full time, went to school/studied full time, tried to make time for family, friends, a boyfriend, etc… all while being tainted with the hardships of an eating disorder.

Several months later, I am in a completely different place. I have dedicated myself to my health, my happiness and my freedom. I have been working towards recovery from my eating disorder, and could not be more proud of the progress I have made. I promised myself, that once I was in a healthy state of mind, I would use this struggle for good. I didn’t battle an eating disorder for five years just to push it aside and pretend like it never happened. I want to use my experience to help others in the same/similar situation. I want to share my story, to spread awareness of this illness that so many people suffer from.

Whether you are an individual struggling with an ED… or a parent, friend, relative, etc. of someone who is, I want this to be a safe place for you to come to share thoughts, ask questions, and know that they are not alone.
